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Check it out http://americassuburb.com/

Pictures of the Valley


The mailbox in front of 10612 Baird Avenue in Northridge is embedded in what looks to be authentic arm from a Bob's Big Boy statue, of which there used to be several around the Valley.

San Fernando Valley

Ayn Rand's house, 10000 Tampa Blvd., taken in the 1940s when half the valley was still covered with orange groves. It was originally designed by Richard Neutra for film director Erik Von Sternberg.   Nobel Middle School is there now

Jack Oakey's house next to the Chevy dealer in Northridge (torn down in 2009)

Chili John's by ~db~.

Surprisingly, this is one of the most famous restaurants in Burbank. It's known almost as much for its odd hours (it's closed during the summer, and whenever else he feels like it) as it is for it's chili. I've read that it opened in 1900, making it the oldest restaurant in Burbank. The original owner John is said to have invented the oyster cracker.



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